Bold Awards 2022

The ONO Lean Logistics board proudly displays the international award recognizing the most groundbreaking projects in a wide range of sectors.


"Only those who dare, truly LIVE" - Ruth P. Freedman

This is why we at ONO Lean Logistics now feel more #beBOLD! But let's take a step back. Are you familiar with the BOLD Awards?

They are the international award organized with Crowdsourcing Week-CSW and H-FARM to identify the most disruptive projects in a wide range of sectors. From robotics to agritech, from design to space, from advertising to sustainability, ONO Lean Logistics navigated among 500 competitors and managed to bring home the award for Best BOLD DESIGN 2022 in this third edition.

The team is proud of the work done and looks forward to adding more awards to their collection, recognizing the hard work demonstrated every day in the office and in the field!



Useful links

BOLD Awards III - ONO Lean Logistics
ONO Lean Logistics - ADI DESIGN

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