Give space the shape it deserves

Flexible, beautiful, intelligent:
ONO Lean Logistics approach to storage

Tailor-made solutions for each logistic need

Not just any solution, but a modular system capable
of generating the right solution for you

ONO External:
The missing WMS

A single tool to have everything at your fingertips, always

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with style

Give your company the attire it deserves
to express its value


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For every logistic need, the right solution

Tailored Consultancy

Not just any solution, but the right one for you. For us at ONO Lean Logistics, space is synonymous with value, and our goal is to help you not waste it. That's why, before proposing, we want to understand.
We offer our clients specific consultancy services, including:

  Analysis of current logistic management

  Technical characteristics and sizing of the correct solution to meet your specific needs

  Technical and economic proposal, along with Return on Investment (ROI) calculation.

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Custom Scalable Automated Lift Modules

The right Scalable Automated Lift Modules for you

All systems composed of ONO Lean Logistics Modular Vertical Lift Modules are carefully and precisely designed and sized: just like a tailor-made suit, ONO's logistic solution is tailored to the actual needs of the company, taking the right forms for the perfect layout.
Modulate your warehouse with us!

Some assured benefits:

% of space

% efficiency
X increase in productivity* * Up to

90 % space

65 % efficiency

10 X increase in productivity*
* Up to

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Custom Scalable Automated Lift Modules

The right Scalable Automated Lift Modules for you

All systems composed of ONO Lean Logistics Modular Vertical Lift Modules are carefully and precisely designed and sized: just like a tailor-made suit, ONO's logistic solution is tailored to the actual needs of the company, taking the right forms for the perfect layout.
Modulate your warehouse with us!

Some assured benefits:

% space

% efficiency
X increase in productivity*
* Up to

Everything at your fingertips, always

ONO External: the missing WMS software

Manage your products simultaneously at every stage of the production process and in every location within your company, whether stored in the static warehouse, automated warehouse, or both. Some assured benefits:

  integrated organization of spaces

  traceability and precision of operations

  real-time control

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