Tired of constantly having to train new operators?

How much can you save on training your warehouse operators?

By choosing an ONO Lean Logistics modular system, you will optimize your internal logistics, achieving a rapid return on investment.

The savings resulting from this type of choice are not limited to optimizing logistics flows and managing your warehouse efficiently and neatly, but you will also find them in the training of your staff.

ONO systems are designed to be simple, intuitive, and easily understandable: a 100% user-friendly technology accessible to all, resulting in significant savings.

What are the main benefits you can achieve with simplified ONO system training?

Operators approaching our systems do not need to receive any specific training. This aspect implies that:

• the company does not have to invest in targeted training sessions

• the company is not tied to specific roles for optimal warehouse management

• resources are operational in less than 4 hours and enabled to use the machine in record time

• adding a new employee to the company's staff is extremely flexible and simple

A concrete example of the benefits applied to simplified training

Often companies face seasonal peaks in work and need to quickly and effectively integrate new employees into their workforce for a certain period to cope with the increased workload.

ONO systems simplify this dynamic by eliminating the entry barrier of training new resources, drastically reducing training times. With ONO, warehouse staff will be operational immediately, with extremely short and profitable training times.

Practical Business Insights

- training costs

- fixed costs, exclusive management of variable costs

+ flexibility in labor and workforce management

+ margins

+ competitiveness in the market